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Directory event log event 2917


Have you ever seen event 2917 in your Client Access server’s event log? It might look something like this:

Process w3wp.exe (PID=1234). A budget charge was encountered that exceeded the limit of '2.768900000' minutes.  Budget Owner: 'SomeUser', Component: 'EWS, CostType: 'CAS'.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? The wording is a bit odd (feel free to blame me) and can lead one to assume that there is some strange throttling limit of 2.7689 minutes (or some other equally non-integer-like number) lurking inside Exchange. There is no such limit – that value indicates when the condition was discovered, not what the limit is. This is really more of a warning message, but is completely un-actionable and will be removed from a future release of the product. 

All this event is saying is that the throttling infrastructure noted that a given operation has taken longer than expected, and it wanted you to know about it. This could be the result of an overloaded mailbox server, intense periods of garbage collection, a domain controller issue, and so on… It does not suggest that the “budget owner” has done anything wrong or nefarious nor does it suggest that the user in question was throttled. You can ignore this event log and look forward to the days when it will no longer darken the doorstep of your event log.

David Sterling
Exchange Web Services
Inside Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Web Services

Loading Properties for Multiple Items with One Call to Exchange Web Services


When you use the FindItems method or the FindAppointments method in Exchange Web Services (EWS), it’s important to realize that neither of these methods returns all properties for the items returned by the query. For example, FindItems will not return the Body property for a message item, and FindAppointments will not return the RequiredAttendees property for a calendar item. Therefore, if you are interested in additional properties that cannot be returned by FindItems or FindAppointments, you must explicitly load the additional properties to the items that are returned by the query.

Fortunately, the EWS Managed API provides an easy way to load additional properties for multiple items with a single call to EWS. The following code example shows you how to search the Inbox folder for items that match the specified search criteria, and then use the LoadPropertiesForItems method to load the Subject property and Body property for the items returned by FindItems.

// Specify the IdOnly response shape, and specify that
// FindItem results should be requested in batches of 25.
ItemView view = new ItemView(25);
view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
view.Offset = 0;
view.OffsetBasePoint = OffsetBasePoint.Beginning;

// Specify search criteria.
SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Subject, "Message #");

// Declare findResults.
FindItemsResults<Item> findResults;

    // Call FindItems to search the Inbox folder.
    findResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, searchFilter, view);

    // Load additional properties for the current batch of items.
    service.LoadPropertiesForItems(findResults, new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject, ItemSchema.Body));

    // TODO: Process the current batch of items.

    // If more items are available, update the offset value so that the next
    // batch of items is returned by the next call to FindItems.
    if (findResults.NextPageOffset.HasValue)
        view.Offset = findResults.NextPageOffset.Value;
while (findResults.MoreAvailable);

Note: By specifying a page size of 25 when ItemView is instantiated, this example requests FindItems results (and subsequently calls LoadPropertiesForItems) for a maximum of 25 items at a time. Processing items in batches like this is helpful in that it reduces the likelihood that the server will be overloaded when the number of search results is large.

The following is the XML response that is returned by from FindItems in the above code example. A total of five messages that match the search criteria were found in the Inbox folder. Item identifiers and change keys have been shortened for readability.

<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
            <m:FindItemResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
                <m:RootFolder IndexedPagingOffset="5" TotalItemsInView="5" IncludesLastItemInRange="true">
                            <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QA=" ChangeKey="CQAAA" />
                            <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QB=" ChangeKey="CQAAB" />
                            <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QC=" ChangeKey="CQAAC" />
                            <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QD=" ChangeKey="CQAAD" />
                            <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QE=" ChangeKey="CQAAE" />                         

Note: In this example, the number of items that matched the specified search criteria was fewer than our specified paging size of 25; therefore, all items were returned by the first call to FindItems. If more than 25 items (the specified paging size) had matched the specified search criteria, FindItems (and LoadPropertiesForItems) would have executed multiple times — once for each batch of 25 items that matched the specified search criteria.

The following is the XML request that is generated by calling LoadPropertiesForItems in the above code example. As this XML request shows, LoadPropertiesForItems translates to a batch GetItem call under the covers — the Subject and Body property for all five items in findResults are requested in a single call GetItem call to EWS.

            <t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Subject" />
            <t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Body" />
        <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QA=" ChangeKey="CQAAA" />
        <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QB=" ChangeKey="CQAAB" />
        <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QC=" ChangeKey="CQAAC" />
        <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QD=" ChangeKey="CQAAD" />
        <t:ItemId Id="AAT5QE=" ChangeKey="CQAAE" />

Now, you might assume that the same simple call to LoadPropertiesForItems can also be used to load properties for calendar items that are returned by FindAppointments. And it will work, with one small caveat: LoadPropertiesForItems takes an argument of type IEnumerable<Item>, whereas FindAppointments returns IEnumerable<Appointment> — so you must find a way to pass the results from FindAppointments to LoadPropertiesForItems as IEnumerable<Item>. Fortunately, this is easily accomplished by using Linq. The following code example shows you how search the Calendar folder for appointments that match the specified search criteria, and then use the LoadPropertiesForItems method to load the Subject property, the RequiredAttendees property, and the OptionalAttendees property for the calendar items returned by FindAppointments.

// Define search parameters and maximum number of items to return.
CalendarView calView = new CalendarView(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(3), 25);

// Specify the IdOnly shape.
PropertySet props = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
calView.PropertySet = props;

// Call FindAppointments to search the Calendar folder.
FindItemsResults<Appointment> findResults = service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, calView);

if (findResults.TotalCount > iMaxItemsReturned)
    string sMsg = "Total number of items that match search criteria exceeds specified maximum number of results to return.";
    sMsg += " To find all items that match the specified search criteria, either narrow the date range ";
    sMsg += "or increase the specified maximum number of items to return in CalendarView.";
    Exception e = new Exception(sMsg);
    throw e;
    // Call LoadPropertiesForItems to load the Subject, RequiredAttendees, and OptionalAttendees properties.
    service.LoadPropertiesForItems(from Item item in findResults select item,
                new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly,

Note: To use Linq as shown in the above example, you must include the following directive in your program: using System.Linq;

Want to learn more about working with the EWS Managed API? Check out the code examples that are available in the Working with the EWS Managed API section of the Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.0 SDK.

Directory event log event 2914


When studying the event log over a steaming hot cup of coffee, have you ever seen the following directory event (2914)?

Process w3wp.exe (UNKNOWN) (PID=15780). Deleted throttling policy was referenced.  Id: 'Org: SomeOrg…/Configuration, Id: CN=ThrottlingPolicy-DefaultMailboxPlan\0ADEL:4d73d344-d66f-4eed-85f9-b6c95dcd2a13,CN=Deleted Objects,CN=Configuration,DC=…,DC=com'.

This one does require some action. In the case of this event log, a throttling policy was deleted from Active Directory, but because *someone* did not use Remove-ThrottlingPolicy to do so, the links from the associated mailboxes did not get updated properly. The fix is relatively easy – you just need to reassign the affected mailboxes to a valid throttling policy. Now, I highlighted the “\0ADEL” wording in the event log for a reason. That is a very reliable way to determine whether we are dealing with a deleted object in Active Directory. We can use that to our advantage in the Exchange Management Shell.

[PS] D:\Windows\system32>get-mailbox | ? {$_.ThrottlingPolicy -ilike "*`nDEL*"} | fl Name, ThrottlingPolicy

Name             : JohnDoe
ThrottlingPolicy : SomeDomain/Configuration/Deleted Objects/SomePolicy

The key is in the “*`nDEL*” string.  The value “`n” is the Exchange Management Shell’s way of escaping the new-line sequence.

Now that we have discovered the mailbox that is having the issue, we can assign that mailbox to another policy. In my case, I just want JohnDoe to use the default policy, so I will just null out the ThrottlingPolicy parameter.

get-mailbox | ? {$_.ThrottlingPolicy -ilike "*`nDEL*"} | set-Mailbox –ThrottlingPolicy $null

Even with this problem present, the throttling policy framework was behaving properly and “falling back” to the default throttling policy governing John Doe. However, it is a good idea to clean up these issues in the directory if you encounter them and make your throttling policy association links explicit rather than relying on the fallback logic to do the “right thing”.

David Sterling
Exchange Web Services
Inside Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Web Services

Exchange 2010 Virus Scanning (VSAPI) 2.6.1 and VSAPI TAP

The VSAPI 2.6.1 provides programmatic interfaces for Virus Scanning applications to access items and attachments using MAPI or Exchange Web Services. The VSAPI2.6.1  is only provided to organizations enrolled in the VSAPI TAP program. Organizations interested in integrating this API into their virus scanning application, should e-mail ucdev@microsoft.com requesting participation in the TAP program. Organizations will be provided with the information needed to validate their acceptance into the TAP. Organizations will accept the VSAPI TAP Program Description and must have a TAP Framework Agreement on file, prior to obtaining the VSAPI Documentation.

Just Released – Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Beta SDKs, June 2010


We’re excited to announce that we have released updates to the Exchange 2010 SDKs for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Exchange 2010 SP1 introduces many new programmability features that will help you create robust applications. Here is an overview of what has changed for Exchange programmability documentation for this release:

· Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta Web Services SDK – We added documentation in support of the many new features for Exchange Web Services. This includes a new EmptyFolder operation to simplify the deletion of folder content, bulk transfer to support the import/export of information in a mailbox, conversation operations to help manage items in a conversation, and the Inbox rules operations to enable you to programmatically use Inbox rules. We have also made small changes to existing API features

· Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta Transport Agents SDK & Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta Outlook Web App Customization SDK – We have included new documentation for new types and members that were added to the APIs, and updates to existing types and members.

· Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta Backup and Restore SDK – We updated information about running consistency checks on databases in a Database Availability Group (DAG).

Check out the What’s New pages for the SDKs for more details about the exciting changes to your favorite Exchange API.

We hope the new features and documentation help you achieve your organizational goals for Exchange connectivity and interoperability. And while you are reading this, if you’d like to provide input for future Exchange programmability features and improvements, submit your feedback to our very own David Claux on the Exchange Server Development forum.

Happy coding!

Michael Mainer

How to use CHKSGFILES multi-threaded for faster consistency checks


How to use CHKSGFILES multi-threaded for faster consistency checks

One of the questions that we sometimes get here, and that we’ve never really been able to answer is: do I HAVE to run the database consistency check (the CHKSGFILES API) in single-threaded fashion? Doing things multi-threaded could be so much faster! Well the answer is some parts no, but some parts yes.

If you don’t already know, CHKSGFILES is used by applications that back up Exchange databases, to ensure that the database to be stored is actually in good health and not corrupted. With Exchange 2010, it’s much less likely there will be a corruption problem, but it's safer for your backup and restore application to verify the data before making the backup.

Well, after some extensive archeology, we’ve determined that, if you do it right, you actually CAN run parts of CHKSGFILES multi-threaded. We’ll be adding this information into the SDK for October 2010, but wanted to get the word out now for those of you who are interested.

The general, using CHKSGFILES to check database consistency in a multi-threaded application runs like in the following example. Remember, this is just an EXAMPLE, and is only intended to show which parts of CHKSGFILES must be handled in what way.

This example application uses two main processes, and a set of worker threads. The first (orange) process handles the overall backup job, while the second (blue) handles queue requests by creating worker threads to verify the database pages and log files. Central to the system is a request and completion-status queue.

Backup job-engine (the single-threaded part)

The Backup Job-engine process block (orange) in the diagram indicates the parts of the database consistency check that must be run single-threaded.

IMPORTANT Your application must never allow more than one Backup Job-engine block to operate at the same time. The CHKSGFILES APIs shown in that block should never be called in parallel. Your application should ONLY call CHKSGFILES consistency checks in sequence. The CHKSGFILES DLL does not support out-of-sequence or simultaneous calls to New(), ErrInit(), ErrCheckDbHeaders(), ErrTerm() and Delete(). Your application should call those APIs only once for each consistency check. After the sequence shown in the Backup Job-engine block has been completed, only then can that sequence be restarted.

When the Backup Job-engine section starts, it should initialize whatever request queuing mechanism is being used. In this example, it’s a queue that includes the requests, the return status of those requests, and a separate process that scans for entries in the request queue. Because the intention of running a database consistency checks is to find errors, the queue needs to return that success / failure information to the main part of the program.

After the queue is initialized, the backup job can use Windows VSS to take the snapshot. After the snapshot is successfully made and available, the backup application can call the CHKSGFILES New() function to obtain an instance of the API. The backup job must then call ErrInit(), indicating which databases are to be checked, the log-file path, and other parameters.

Then the backup job process calls the ErrCheckDbHeaders() function, to verify that all the databases have the proper header information. It is very important that ErrCheckDbHeaders() be called only once to check ALL the databases that were specified in ErrInit(). For Exchange 2007, this will likely be all the databases in a storage groups. For Exchange 2010, this will probably be only a single database, because ErrInit() accepts only a single log file path.

In this example, the single-threaded Backup Job-engine then adds requests into the queue for the database pages in each database, and a single request to check the log files.

In this example, the backup job-engine then waits until the request queue contains completion status for all the requests. Then the backup job-engine calls the ErrTerm() function. Like ErrCheckDbHeaders(), your application must call ErrTerm() only once. It is up to the application to ensure that it has tried to check all the database pages and log files. Do not try to use ErrTerm() to keep track of the progress: if you call ErrTerm() and all the pages and logs have not been checked, it will return an error and invalidate all checks that had been done on those databases. In this example, the backup job-engine process uses the queue entries to keep track of which database pages have been checked.

Finally, the backup job engine can call the Delete() function, to dispose of the CHKSGFILES instance. Then, based on the results, the backup application can copy the snapshot contents to the backup media, and continue processing the backup job.

Implication of storage groups

At this point a short discussion about the parameters passed to ErrInit() is appropriate. In Exchange 2007, when CHKSGFILES was introduced, the Exchange storage architecture includes Storage Groups, which are collections of databases that can be managed together as a unit. So, with Exchange 2007 servers, you will probably pass a list of the databases in a storage group to the ErrInit() function. But, Exchange 2010 doesn’t have storage groups. Indeed, typically each database and log file set is kept separate. So, for checking Exchange 2010 databases, you will very likely pass a single-element array with one database and log file path to ErrInit(). Remember, ErrInit() requires the databases to be specified in an array, even when there is only one database to be checked.

You might wonder: if the application typically only sends a single database through the CHKSGFILES APIs at a time, what good is multi-threading? Good question! For that individual database, the page checks can be run in parallel, which will certainly speed up the process. But if you need to check multiple Exchange 2010 databases, your application will need to separately call New() and ErrInit() for each database, and separately handle the different instances of the CHKSGFILES API. Just like with a single set of databases sent to ErrInit(), the single-threading and sequencing rules for the API have to be followed for each instance.

Queue Servicing process (the multi-threaded part)

As you can tell, nearly the whole CHKSGFILES API needs to be run in a single thread, and there can be no out-of-sequence calls made. In the example application, the CHKSGFILES parts that can be run multi-threaded are shown as the Queue Servicing process (blue), and the Database Page and log file worker threads (green).

IMPORTANT The CHKSGFILES API does support checking the log files [using the ErrCheckLogs() API] parallel to checking the database pages [using the ErrCheckDbPages() API]. However, your application must call ErrCheckLogs() only ONCE for each set of databases that were passed to ErrInit(). If ErrCheckLogs() is called more than once, an error will be returned, and the entire consistency check will have failed, even if no actual database or log file errors exist.

When the queue servicing process starts, it begins checking for new entries in the request queue. When it sees a new request, it can start a new worker thread to service that request.

When it starts, the worker thread (green) should obtain the request information from the queue (or directly from the request queue servicing process), and then perform the check. In this example application, it is up to the worker thread to process the request appropriately: database page requests use ErrCheckDbPages(), while log file requests use ErrCheckLogs(). If the backup job-engine process is running properly, there should never be more than one request for log file checks for each set of databases passed to ErrInit(). When the check has completed, the worker thread should update the request status information in the queue, and then the thread should exit.

When all the dispatched threads have exited, the queue processing service can signal the backup job-engine process via the queue. Alternatively, the backup job-engine process can detect when there are no more unprocessed requests in the queue.

So, that’s all there is. It’s not terribly complicated, but your application must follow these rules:

  • CHKSGFILES New(), ErrInit(), ErrCheckDbHeaders(), ErrTerm() and Delete() can only be called from a single thread, and must be called in the proper sequence, and can only be called once.
  • CHKSGFILES ErrCheckDbPages() and ErrCheckLogs() can be called in a multi-threaded manner, but only after ErrCheckDbHeaders() is called and before ErrTerm() is called.
  • CHKSGFILES ErrCheckLogs() must only be called once for all the databases specified to ErrInit(). But, ErrCheckLogs() can be called in parallel with calls to ErrCheckDbPages().
  • If you’re backing up multiple Exchange 2010 databases, you must obtain separate CHKSGFILES instances for each database, and the sequencing and concurrency rules still apply for each instance.

Using a combination of single- and multi-threading, and obeying the rules described in this blog post, your backup application can more quickly check Exchange databases than in a purely single-threaded manner.

Thom Randolph

Documentation Manager

Exchange Developer Documentation

Microsoft Corporation

Now Available – Exchange Server 2010 SP1 SDKs, October 2010


The Exchange Developer Documentation Team is happy to announce the October 2010 release of the Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) SDKs. If you’ve been keeping up with our SDK releases, then you know that we already released a lot of new information about Exchange 2010 SP1 back in June. The updates for October cover the released version of SP1, with additional information and updates to the preliminary release. Check out the What’s New topics for these SDKs to get more details:

The Exchange 2010 Management Shell SDK will be released in the near future as well; for now, you can still check out the June release, which includes preliminary information about SP1. The Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.1 SDK is also available with updates for October, and includes several new conceptual topics that include more information about how to use this API.

We hope the release of the documentation help you achieve your organizational goals for Exchange connectivity and interoperability.

Bob Bunn
Microsoft Corporation

Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.1 Now Available


We know you’ve been waiting to see the new Exchange Web Services features in Exchange 2010 SP1 exposed in the EWS Managed API, and I’m here to tell you that your wait is over. The Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.1 is now available for download. The EWS Managed API 1.1 exposes the following features that were introduced in Exchange 2010 SP1:

· Archive mailbox – Access to archive folders and items. Everything you can do with mailbox items and folders is available for your archived information. Equal access for all items and folders!

· Conversations – Emails are social and so is your application, so try the new Conversations feature exposed by EWS to easily manage email conversations.

· Inbox Rules – Would you like to tell your Exchange server where to store it (emails)? Server-side Inbox rules are now available as a programmatic interface for your Exchange client applications. For more information, see Working with Inbox Rules.

· Streaming Notifications – Want your cake and eat it too? Now you can with streaming notifications. Streaming notifications provide you with the benefits of both push and pull event notification models.

For a convenient chart that lists applicable features by server and API versions, see Introduction to the EWS Managed API.

And before I forget, make sure you visit the important companion to the EWS Managed API 1.1, the Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.1 SDK.

It’s time to rev your application!

Michael Mainer
Exchange SDK and Interoperability
Microsoft Corporation

Exchange Web Services Java API 1.1 is now available. Yes, that’s right, Java!


Hi Everyone,

I’m pleased to announce the public availability of the Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Java API 1.1. The final package was posted this past weekend for download. This package offers the same functionality that our EWS Managed API 1.1 for the Microsoft .NET Framework offers.  During the course of development, we’ve had internal and external users working with beta drops of this API.  There is a lot of excitement about it, and now we’re happy to finally offer it to everyone.

This API was developed in order to facilitate Exchange development on other platforms. It has been over a year in development, and it is our first release of a package that includes source code. Although the source is viewable, our licensing for this iteration does not allow for modification of the source code. It can be used to build against a particular JRE or JDK, but the license agreement only allows the object code to be shared in your application. We took this approach because we’re keeping the releases in sync with our Exchange versions. The 1.1 release corresponds to Exchange 2010 SP1. 

We’re looking forward to what the future holds for client development on other platforms. 

We encourage you to develop your Exchange client on other platforms now, and would like to hear about your projects.

Michael Mainer
Exchange SDK and Interoperability
Microsoft Corporation

Working with Streaming Notifications By Using the EWS Managed API


Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) introduces streaming notifications, a new feature that combines push and pull notifications. For those of you who are not too familiar with notifications, I’ll give some background information. Pull notifications require your application to create a subscription and every now and then request an update from the server. This can create quite a bit of traffic between the client and server if you want to keep up-to-date with events on the server. Push notifications require you to write your own listener application. You create a push subscription with the server and when an event fires, it pushes the notification to your listener application. This works well because you don’t have to keep asking the server for updates, but it does require that you create a separate application to receive the notifications. Now, we have the best of both worlds with streaming notifications. After you have established your notification subscription, the connection remains open to allow the server to push notifications back to your application. You don’t have to request updates as for the pull subscription, and you don’t have to create a listener application as for the push notifications.

We wrote a console example for creating the subscription and handling notification responses. The first step in your application is to create a service binding to your Exchange mailbox. Because this is a pretty common routine in Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API, I don’t want to go over it in detail here, but if you need a refresher check out the topic Connecting to EWS in the EWS Managed API SDK.

After the service binding is completed, call the SetStreamingNotifications function and pass in the service binding. In this example, a subscription is made to the Inbox and the notifications will be sent for new e-mail messages and for items that have been created or deleted in the Inbox. Because this is just an example, the timeout is set to one minute, but you can adjust this as necessary for your application. This example will also recognize the OnDisconnect event and ask if the connection should remain open. You can see that after the subscription is created, it’s very easy to reopen the connection. If you don’t want to reopen the connection, the code will close the connection object.

When a notification is sent back, the OnEvent function is called and a message is output to the console. When you get the notification, you also get the itemID that you can use to bind to the item and get additional information about that item.

The following code shows the console application…

static void SetStreamingNotifications(ExchangeService service)
    // Subscribe to streaming notifications on the Inbox folder, and listen
    // for "NewMail", "Created", and "Deleted" events.
    StreamingSubscription streamingsubscription = service.SubscribeToStreamingNotifications(
        new FolderId[] { WellKnownFolderName.Inbox },

    StreamingSubscriptionConnection connection = new StreamingSubscriptionConnection(service, 1);

    // Delegate event handlers.
    connection.OnNotificationEvent +=
        new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.NotificationEventDelegate(OnEvent);
    connection.OnSubscriptionError +=
        new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.SubscriptionErrorDelegate(OnError);
    connection.OnDisconnect +=
        new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.SubscriptionErrorDelegate(OnDisconnect);

    Console.WriteLine("--------- StreamSubscription event -------");

static private void OnDisconnect(object sender, SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args)
    // Cast the sender as a StreamingSubscriptionConnection object.          
    StreamingSubscriptionConnection connection = (StreamingSubscriptionConnection)sender;
    // Ask the user if they want to reconnect or close the subscription.
    ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
    Console.WriteLine("The connection to the subscription is disconnected.");
    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to reconnect to the subscription? Y/N");
    while (true)
        cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
            if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                Console.WriteLine("Connection open.");
            else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.N)
                // The ReadKey in the Main() consumes the E.
                Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress E to exit");

static void OnEvent(object sender, NotificationEventArgs args)
    StreamingSubscription subscription = args.Subscription;

    // Loop through all item-related events.
    foreach (NotificationEvent notification in args.Events)

        switch (notification.EventType)
            case EventType.NewMail:
                Console.WriteLine("\n-------------Mail created:-------------");
            case EventType.Created:
                Console.WriteLine("\n-------------Item or folder created:-------------");
            case EventType.Deleted:
                Console.WriteLine("\n-------------Item or folder deleted:-------------");
        // Display the notification identifier.
        if (notification is ItemEvent)
            // The NotificationEvent for an e-mail message is an ItemEvent.
            ItemEvent itemEvent = (ItemEvent)notification;
            Console.WriteLine("\nItemId: " + itemEvent.ItemId.UniqueId);
            // The NotificationEvent for a folder is an FolderEvent.
            FolderEvent folderEvent = (FolderEvent)notification;
            Console.WriteLine("\nFolderId: " + folderEvent.FolderId.UniqueId);
static void OnError(object sender, SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args)
    // Handle error conditions.
    Exception e = args.Exception;
    Console.WriteLine("\n-------------Error ---" + e.Message + "-------------");

To make this application work properly, bind it to your Exchange mailbox and call the SetStreamingNotifications function. Then send a message to this mailbox from an e-mail client of your choice — just do it before the one minute timeout occurs. You will then get a message that an item was created and you have a new e-mail message in your Inbox.

Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor now available


The Exchange Interoperability Team is excited to announce the initial release of the Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor (RPX). RPX is a command-line tool that can parse network captures and interpret remote procedure calls (RPCs) made from a client to Microsoft Exchange Server. RPX uses the information provided in the Microsoft Exchange Server protocol documentation to parse RPCs, remote operations (ROPs) and the parameters for each ROP.

The goal for RPX is to assist developers who are implementing the Microsoft Exchange protocols by allowing them to view and compare the RPC traffic between clients and servers. Network capture files are transformed into text files that detail RPC requests and responses, including parameters and return codes.

If you are working with the Microsoft Exchange protocols, follow the link below to download RPX today and try it out!

Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor 1.0

Microsoft Exchange RPC Protocols Plugfest Presentations are Now Available


Interested in learning more about the Exchange Server RPC protocols? The Exchange Server Interoperability team is pleased to announce that presentations from the Exchange RPC Protocols Plugfest event (January 2011) are now available on Channel 9. Plugfest events are part of the Microsoft Open Specifications Program which helps developers create solutions by providing open access to technical specifications and support through a variety of channels.

If you’re working with the Microsoft Exchange protocols, check out the Exchange RPC Protocols Plugfest January 2011 series on Channel 9 for valuable information about the following topics:

  • Exchange Fast Transfer and Incremental Change Synchronization ([MS-OXCFXICS])
  • Exchange RPC and ROPs ([MS-OXCROPS])
  • Exchange Protocol Test Suite Architecture
  • Exchange Protocol Objects and Properties ([MS-OXCPRPT])

Kim Brandl
Exchange Interoperability
Microsoft Corporation

Get Into Programming with Exchange Online as part of Office 365


Microsoft Exchange Online as part of Microsoft Office 365 provides many of the same app-development capabilities that are available for Microsoft Exchange Server running on-site. The Exchange Developer Documentation team is pleased to announce the release of a new Exchange Online Developer Center page that will be your portal for information about Exchange Online development.

If you’re not quite up to the rock-star level as an Exchange programmer, or if Exchange Online is the only flavor of Exchange you’ve ever known, this is the place for you! And even if you’re already an experienced Exchange developer, we want to make it really easy to use that Exchange knowledge as you create apps for the Cloud.

Along with the new Exchange Online page, we have an article to help you get started writing apps that use Exchange Web Services (EWS) and EWS Managed API. This article explains the important first steps to get things running smoothly and quickly.

We have more articles coming in the near future, including one about configuring and using Exchange Autodiscover, so come back to the site often to find new information. We plan to provide great information for programming with Exchange Online for all types of developers, from experienced corporate and ISV developers to total newbies.

A bunch of articles, of course, can’t tell the whole story. As the Office 365 Beta progresses, and as the service officially becomes available, we’ll continue posting articles, blog posts, podcasts, and even videos. Because we know you’ll have questions, the writing team will also be helping out in the forums.

We look forward to hearing from you more than ever, and to helping your Exchange development projects succeed.

Best regards to our new and current readers,


Thom Randolph
Exchange Developer Documentation
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Map now available


We are pleased to announce the availability of the Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Map. Whether you are new to developing with Microsoft Exchange, or a seasoned veteran, this map will guide you through the tools, applications, platforms, and services you can use to develop your application. The interactive map is a living document that provides links to MSDN Library documentation. You can also download the poster and print it out to hang on your wall.

Start visualizing the applications, services like Exchange Online, client/server data-access technologies like Exchange Web Services, on-premise servers, platform products and technologies, and tools that can help you build multiple line-of-business solutions. 

Bob Bunn
Exchange Developer Documentation
Microsoft Corporation

Exchange Online Throttling and Limits FAQ

What are the throttling settings for Microsoft Exchange Online as part of Microsoft Office 365? Before I answer this question, let me give you bit of background information. Microsoft Exchange includes bandwidth throttling to help manage server access. This supports service quality and consistent performance. The throttling components of Exchange Online are especially important, given that network resources in the datacenters are optimized for the broad set of customers that use the service. So, to properly engineer solutions that work with Exchange Online, you will need to account for the Exchange Online throttling settings.

We are specifically focused on throttling of Exchange Web Services (EWS) and MAPI with RPC over HTTP (as used by Microsoft Outlook) and with hard limits set by the Exchange Online system. Any mention of specific setting values were obtained for the service version You will want to have your tenant admin obtain and confirm setting values.

Note   An on-premise Microsoft Exchange deployment may have a different throttling policy. Administrators can modify throttling settings for Microsoft Exchange on-premises. Administrators cannot configure throttling policies for Exchange Online.

What is the impact of exceeding throttling budgets?

Exchange throttling is based on the amount of Active Directory, Exchange store, and other resources a client consumes. A budget is allocated to each client to limit the resources a particular user consumes. This budget is recharged every minute.

EWS clients can exceed their budgets by sending too many concurrent requests, or by requesting too many resources on the server. When this occurs, additional requests are queued until one of two things happen:

  • The application is under budget. The request is then processed and the client experiences an increase in latency.
  • The request has been queued for more than 60 seconds, after which time the server sends an error response to the application.

When MAPI clients exceed their budgets, additional requests are returned with an error, until the application is under budget. There is no queuing of requests.

How do I get throttling settings?

Tenant administrators can view throttling settings by using Remote PowerShell and the Get-ThrottlingPolicy cmdlet. For information about how to connect Remote PowerShell for your tenant, see Install and Configure Windows PowerShell and Connect Windows PowerShell to the Service on Microsoft TechNet.

Use the Get-ThrottlingPolicy cmdlet (without arguments) to get all the throttling policy settings. Throttling policies might change to enhance service performance, so you should confirm throttling policies. We suggest that you make your client applications configurable to adjust for potential changes in throttling policy for Exchange Online. Additionally, because Exchange Online and Exchange on-premises might have different throttling policies, you may want to account for this when you design your client applications.

What are the common throttling settings?

The following throttling settings are common to both EWS and MAPI (RPC over HTTP) clients:

  • MessageRateLimit – Identifies the maximum number of messages that can be sent per minute. This is configured to count sent messages on a per IP address basis.
  • RecipientRateLimit – Identifies the maximum number of recipients that a sender can send to in a 24-hour period.
  • ForwardeeLimit – Identifies the maximum number of recipients that can be configured for Inbox rules when the user account is using the forward or redirect action.

What are the MAPI with RPC over HTTP throttling settings?

The prefix RCA in the MAPI RPC/HTTP settings represents RPC Client Access. The following throttling settings are specific to MAPI RPC over HTTP:

  • RCAMaxConcurrency – Identifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be maintained by MAPI RPC/HTTP clients (such as Microsoft Outlook) at any one time. Attempts to open more than the maximum number of connections will fail. Existing connections will remain unaffected. Active Directory calls count toward the number of concurrent connections. 
  • RCAPercentTimeInAD – Identifies the maximum amount of time that can be spent by a Client Access server when accessing Active Directory resources on behalf of a client, per minute. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the result by 60 seconds. For example, an RCAPercentTimeInAD throttling value of 5 results in a throttling threshold of 3 seconds (5/100 * 60 seconds).
  • RCAPercentTimeInCAS – Identifies how much time all concurrent MAPI RPC/HTTP connections can consume on the Client Access server per minute. This is calculated on a per user basis. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the results by 60 seconds. For example, an RCAPercentTimeInCAS throttling value of 205 results in a throttling threshold of 123 seconds (205/100 * 60 seconds). If the setting is 123 seconds, two concurrent MAPI RPC/HTTP connections can be open on a Client Access server for a full 60 seconds, thus using up 120 seconds per minute. A third connection can only use the remaining 3 seconds per minute, assuming all three connections occur concurrently and are initiated at the same time. 
  • RCAPercentTImeInMailboxRPC – Identifies how much time all concurrent MAPI RPC/HTTP connections can consume for accessing the mailbox per minute. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the results by 60 seconds. For example, an RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC throttling value of 200 results in a throttling threshold of 120 seconds (200/100 * 60 seconds). This means that two connections can consume 60 seconds per minute (120 seconds total per minute) as long as there are no other connections.

What are the Exchange Web Services throttling settings?

The following throttling settings are specific to Exchange Web Services:

  • EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds – Identifies how long an Exchange Search (indexed search) request will continue until it times out.
  • EWSFindCountLimit – Identifies the maximum number of search results in concurrent requests. For more information, see Throttling Policies and the EWS FindCountLimit. We suggest that searches all be paged and that the page size not exceed 1000 results.
  • EWSMaxConcurrency – Identifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be maintained by EWS clients at any one time. Attempts to open more than the maximum number of connections will fail. Existing connections will remain unaffected. Active Directory calls count toward the number of concurrent connections. 
  • EWSMaxSubscriptions – Identifies the maximum number of push, pull, or streaming notification subscriptions. If a server has too many notification subscriptions, it will start returning server busy errors. The server starts to return errors when the number of open connections reaches approximately 20 for a user. The charges for EWSMaxSubscription are calculated as follows:
    • Client – charged against the caller, also called the mailbox owner.
    • Intra-forest ExchangeImpersonation – charged against the caller.
    • Server-to-Server – charged against the underlying effective caller.
  • EWSPercentTimeInAD – Identifies the maximum amount of time that can be spent by a Client Access server when accessing Active Directory resources on behalf of a client account, per minute. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the result by 60 seconds. For example, a EWSPercentTimeInAD throttling value of 50 results in a throttling threshold of 30 seconds (50/100 * 60 seconds).
  • EWSPercentTimeInCAS – Identifies how much time all concurrent EWS connections can consume on the Client Access server per minute. This is calculated on a per user basis. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the results by 60 seconds. For example, a EWSPercentTimeInCAS throttling value of 90 results in a throttling threshold of 54 seconds (90/100 * 60 seconds).
  • EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC – Identifies how much time all concurrent EWS connections can consume while accessing a mailbox via RPC requests, per minute. This is calculated on a per-user basis. This budget is calculated by dividing the throttling value for this setting by 100 and then multiplying the results by 60 seconds. For example, a EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC throttling value of 60 results in a throttling threshold of 36 seconds (60/100 * 60 seconds). This means that a single connection can consume 36 seconds per minute as long as there are no other connections. Two connections that started at the same time can only consume 18 seconds each per minute. This is based on a threshold setting of 60.

For more information about EWS throttling policy, see EWS Best Practices: Understanding Throttling Policies.

What are the specific Exchange Web Services limits?

The following are the specific EWS throttling limits:

  • maxAllowedContentLength (IIS7) – Identifies the maximum accepted content length of HTTP requests. This maximum length is 35,000,000 bytes, which translates to 25 MB of base64-encoded data.
  • maxReceivedMessageSize (WCF) – Identifies the maximum message size that is accepted by EWS. This maximum message size is 35,000,000 bytes, which translates to 25 MB of base64-encoded data.

Note   The values for this limit differ for an on-premise Exchange 2010 deployment. In the initial release version of Exchange 2010, the message size limit is 10 MB. In Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1), the message size limit is 35 MB.

  • maxRequestLength (ASP.Net) – Not used.

Supplemental Exchange Server Interoperability Guidance Now Available


The Exchange Interoperability documentation team is pleased to announce the launch of Exchange Server Interoperability Guidance that supplements the information available in the Microsoft Exchange Server protocol documentation and the Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook Standards documentation. Whether you’re an Exchange interoperability expert, just getting started, or somewhere in between, we’re confident that this supplemental information will be a valuable resource for you.

In the first article, Exploring the Microsoft Exchange Server Open Specifications, Kim Brandl reviews the types of protocols, structures, algorithms, and standards that the Microsoft Exchange Server Open Specifications define, discusses how to get started using the specifications, explores the kinds of content that you’ll find in the various types of specifications, and addresses some key points to help you derive the maximize benefit from the specifications. Check out Exploring the Microsoft Exchange Server Open Specifications now, and stay tuned for additional technical articles coming soon!

Kim Brandl
Exchange Interoperability
Microsoft Corporation

Autodiscover for Exchange ActiveSync developers


This post is part of an ongoing series that covers Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync for developers.

Autodiscover is a process by which a Microsoft Exchange Server client can determine the URL of the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync endpoint by using only a mailbox SMTP address and user credentials. During the Autodiscover process, the client uses the mailbox SMTP address to determine the Autodiscover service endpoint URL and sends a request to the Autodiscover service that includes the mailbox SMTP address. A successful call to the Autodiscover service results in a response that contains the Exchange ActiveSync endpoint URL that the client will use to access the mailbox. This not only simplifies initial client configuration for the end user, but also gives the client a mechanism by which to recover from errors and respond to changes in the Microsoft Exchange environment automatically.

In this blog post, I describe the Autodiscover process from the perspective of an Exchange ActiveSync client developer, including the following:

  • The process of finding and calling the Autodiscover service.
  • The specific requests and responses that are used during the Autodiscover process.
  • When clients should call Autodiscover. 



The following information, covered in this blog post, is important for the Exchange ActiveSync Logo Program:

·        Full implementation of the Autodiscover algorithm

·        The use of Autodiscover to recover from transient connection errors

·        The handling of the X-MS-Location header in 451 redirect responses

·        The handling of 302 redirect responses


For more information about the logo program, see Exchange ActiveSync Logo Program on Microsoft TechNet.


Finding and calling the Autodiscover service

A client needs only an email address and user credentials to successfully find and call the Autodiscover service. The client should parse the email address to get the domain information, which is everything to the right of the “@” character.

In the following procedure, woodgrovebank.com is the domain from the email address chris@woodgrovebank.com. If the domain information includes a subdomain, such as sales.woodgrovebank.com, the client should use the sales.woodgrovebank.com subdomain first and then, if the procedure fails, try again using the domain woodgrovebank.com. The client uses this domain to construct the Autodiscover service endpoint URLs.

The following procedure describes the Autodiscover process for Exchange ActiveSync clients.


A client can minimize the user input needed by only asking for the email address and password in step 1. If the user account is not provisioned for a UPN logon, more input may be required. In this case, a 401 error response will be returned, and the client should collect the domain and user name from the user and resubmit the request.

1. The client sends an Autodiscover request to https://woodgrovebank.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml and does one of the following:

  • If the Autodiscover attempt succeeds, the client proceeds to step 5.
  • If the Autodiscover attempt fails, the client proceeds to step 2.

2. The client sends an Autodiscover request to https://autodiscover.woodgrovebank.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml, and does one of the following:

  • If the Autodiscover attempt succeeds, the client proceeds to step 5.
  • If the Autodiscover attempt fails, the client proceeds to step 3.

3. The client sends an unauthenticated GET method request to http://autodiscover.woodgrovebank.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml. (Note that this is a non-SSL endpoint).The client does one of the following:

  • If the GET request returns a 302 redirect response, it gets the redirection URL from the Location HTTP header, and validates it as described in the section “Redirect responses”. The client then does one of the following:
    • If the redirection URL is valid, the client tries the URL, and does one of the following:
      • If the attempt succeeds, the client proceeds to step 5.
      • If the attempt fails, the client proceeds to step 4.
    • If the redirection URL is not valid, the client proceeds to step 4.
  • If the GET request does not return a 302 redirect response, the client proceeds to step 4.

4. The client performs a DNS query for an SRV record for _autodiscover._tcp.woodgrovebank.com. The query might return multiple records. The client selects only records that point to an SSL endpoint and that have the highest priority and weight. One of the following occurs:

  • If no such records are returned, the client proceeds to step 6.
  • If records are returned, the application randomly chooses a record in the list, and validates the endpoint that it points to by following the process described in the section “Redirect Response”. The client then does one of the following:
    • If the redirection URL is valid, it tries the URL, and one of the following occurs:
      • If the attempt succeeds, the client proceeds to step 5.
      • If the attempt fails, the client proceeds to step 6.
    • If the redirection URL is not valid, the client proceeds to step 6.

5. When a valid Autodiscover request succeeds, the following takes place:

  • If the server responds with an HTTP 302 redirect, the client validates the redirection URL according to the process defined in the section “Redirect responses”, and does one of the following:
    • If the redirection URL is valid, the client tries the URL, and does one of the following:
      • If the attempt succeeds, the client resumes step 5 from the beginning.
      • If the attempt fails, the client proceeds to step 6.
    • If the redirection URL is not valid, the client proceeds to step 6.
  • If the server responds with a valid Autodiscover response, the client does one of the following:
    • If the value of the Action element is "Redirect", it gets the redirection email address from the Redirect element, and returns to step 1 using this new email address.
    • If the value of the Action element is "Settings", the client has successfully received the requested configuration settings for the specified user. The client does not need to proceed to step 6.

6. If the client cannot contact the Autodiscover service, the client should ask the user for the Exchange server name and use it to construct an Exchange ActiveSync URL, similar to the following: http://servername/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync. The client should try to use this URL for future requests.


The client can perform steps 1-4 in any order or in parallel to expedite the process, but it must wait for responses to finish at each step before proceeding. Given that many organizations prefer to use the URL in step 2 to set up Autodiscover, the client might try this step first.




Autodiscover requests and responses

The preceding procedure mentions Autodiscover requests and responses. Microsoft Exchange publishes a "plain old XML" (POX) endpoint for the Autodiscover service. (For more information, see Autodiscover Reference (POX) on MSDN.) These responses can be quite large. Because Exchange ActiveSync is a mobile protocol, a more concise Autodiscover schema called "mobilesync" is defined specifically for Exchange ActiveSync clients.

The following is an example of an Exchange ActiveSync Autodiscover request.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Autodiscover xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/mobilesync/requestschema/2006">










Successful response

A successful Exchange ActiveSync response contains URL settings for Exchange ActiveSync. Settings in the Exchange ActiveSync Autodiscover response can contain two server sections: one with the type “MobileSync”, which is the Exchange ActiveSync endpoint URL, and one with the type “CertEnroll”, which is used to obtain a client certificate for SSL negotiation. (For more information about this response, see [MS-ASCMD] ActiveSync Command Reference Protocol Specification section 4.2.4.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






            <autodiscover:DisplayName>Chris Gray</autodiscover:DisplayName>

















                    <autodiscover:Name />







Redirect responses

Redirection to a different URL can be in the form of an HTTP 302 response. In the following example, an Autodiscover request is being redirected to a different URL. The client should try to send an Autodiscover request to the URL in the response. If the request sent to the redirect location fails, the client should stop and inform the user that Autodiscover has failed.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Location: https://autodiscover.us.woodgrovebank .com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml


The client should always validate the URL received in the redirect response to ensure that it does not redirect to non-SSL endpoints or SSL endpoints with invalid certificates.


Steps 3 and 4 in the procedure in the section "Finding and calling the Autodiscover service" describe an unauthenticated, non-SSL, GET request and a DNS lookup, respectively. Because both of these redirection mechanisms can be spoofed, it is important for the Exchange ActiveSync client to properly validate the redirection. Beyond the validation described, in this case the client should also prompt the user to validate the service provider and name on the certificate of the endpoint.


For more information, see Implementing an Autodiscover Client in Microsoft Exchange on MSDN.




Redirects can also come from within the details of an Autodiscover response, as shown in the following example. In this case, the client is being directed to start the Autodiscover process over with a new email address.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Autodiscover xmlns:autodiscover="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/mobilesync/responseschema/2006">




           <autodiscover:DisplayName>Chris Gray</autodiscover:DisplayName>




           <autodiscover:Redirect>chris@loandept.woodgrovebank.com </autodiscover:Redirect>




The client should start from step 1 in the procedure with the email address from the redirect response, chris@loandept.woodgrovebank.com.


The client should look out for redirections to the same email or URL that it is already using – also known as “circular” redirections. If a circular redirection is detected, the client should not follow it and instead should move to the next step. To avoid getting into an infinite “redirection loop”, the client should also track the total number of redirections and fail after 10.


Error responses

Errors can come in the form of HTTP 403 or 404 error responses, or in the Error section of an Autodiscover response. The client should consider these errors permanent and move on to the next step in the Autodiscover URL location process. An HTTP 401 response indicates that authentication failed. The client can choose to present the user an opportunity to enter credentials again.

Error responses from Autodiscover can indicate a problem with the request the client sent or a problem on the server side. In the following example, there was a problem contacting the directory service on the server side. Because this error is on the server side, the client should continue on to the next step in the Autodiscover URL location process. The client can also choose to retry this request, as the error might be transient.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Autodiscover xmlns:autodiscover="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/mobilesync/responseschema/2006">









               <Message>The directory service could not be reached</Message>






Error responses can also indicate problems with the Autodiscover request sent by the client. The following example shows an error code 600 response, which indicates an invalid request. A 601 response would indicate that the requested schema version is not supported by the server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




      <autodiscover:Error Time="16:56:32.6164027" Id="1054084152">


          <autodiscover:Message>Invalid Request</autodiscover:Message>

          <autodiscover:DebugData />




When should the client perform Autodiscover?

Because Autodiscover requires only an email address and password, using Autodiscover can make the initial configuration of an email account easy for a user. After performing Autodiscover in an initial account configuration, the device should cache the Exchange ActiveSync URL that is returned in the successful response.


While the client should cache the Exchange ActiveSync URL that is retrieved through the Autodiscover process, we recommend that, regardless of any error responses, the URL be refreshed once every 24 hours. Performing Autodiscover periodically ensures that the client is using the most efficient Microsoft Exchange URL for a given mailbox.

Autodiscover is equally important after the initial configuration of the email client as a method for recovering from transient errors. If the client receives HTTP 401, 403, 404, or 500 responses, timeouts, or any response that indicates a DNS lookup failure, it should run Autodiscover to see if it gets a new URL. For more information, see [MS-ASHTTP] ActiveSync HTTP Protocol Specification section

The client can also receive an HTTP 451 redirect response, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] ActiveSync HTTP Protocol Specification section This response indicates that the client sent a request to a URL that is no longer the optimum endpoint URL for the mailbox the client is trying to access. This can occur when a mailbox moves from one Active Directory site to another. For more information, see Understanding Proxying and Redirection on Microsoft TechNet. The client will continue to receive the 451 error until it sends requests to the new endpoint.

Typically, the 451 response contains an X-MS-Location header that indicates the new Exchange ActiveSync URL for the client to use. When this header is present, the client does not need to use Autodiscover to get the new URL; it can use the URL from the header. However, the X-MS-Location header is optional. If the header is not present, the client should perform Autodiscover to get a new Exchange ActiveSync URL. The following example shows a 451 error response.

HTTP/1.1 451

Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 19:43:24 GMT

Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0

X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727

X-MS-Location: https://mail.woodgrovebank .com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync

Cache-Control: private

Content-Length: 0

A 302 redirect response is expected and should be followed only during the Autodiscover process. If the client receives a 302 redirect in response to a command, such as FolderSync, it should not follow the redirect. Instead, the client should go through the Autodiscover process again to get a new URL.


When the client performs Autodiscover to attempt to recover from a transient error condition, it should not discard the original Exchange ActiveSync URL that is stored in the cache until it confirms that the new URL works. We recommend that the client perform Autodiscover, determine whether the URL that is retrieved is different than the URL that was cached before the error, try the new URL if it is different, and if the URL works, replace the cached URL with the new URL. This ensures that the client maintains a URL to retry in the event that Autodiscover fails.


Related Resources

[MS-ASCMD]: ActiveSync Command Reference Protocol Specification

[MS-ASHTTP]: ActiveSync HTTP Protocol Specification

Understanding Proxying and Redirection

Understanding the Autodiscover Service

Understanding Exchange ActiveSync Autodiscover

Autodiscover and Exchange 2007


Post written by: Matt Stehle, Microsoft Corporation

Client access server affinity and network load balancing considerations for programmatic access to Exchange Online


Network load balancing for Microsoft Exchange Online as part of Microsoft Office 365 ensures that tenant client access loads are properly balanced. Network load balancing also has implications for Client Access server affinity. Some stateful client features require Client Access server affinity. This is because some state information is cached on Client Access servers. Both Exchange Web Services (EWS) and MAPI clients include ways to maintain Client Access server affinity through the network load balancers.

Client Access server affinity and Exchange Web Services

Client Access server affinity is important for EWS. Using the Client Access server that services a mailbox improves both performance and function. Using a Client Access server that does not service the particular mailbox to handle a request can negatively affect performance, and in some cases, the request might fail. Requests for features such as event notification subscriptions require stateful information, and state information is maintained on the Client Access server that services the mailbox. Client Access server affinity is required to maintain state information about which notifications have been delivered to the client. For example, if the notification request is not sent to the correct Client Access server, the server will respond with the ErrorSubscriptionNotFound error.

The key to maintaining Client Access server affinity for EWS is the exchangecookie cookie. The exchangecookie cookie associates a client with a specific Client Access server — specifically, the Client Access server that services the target mailbox. The network load balancer uses the exchangecookie cookie to maintain Client Access server affinity for a client. The first response that the client receives from the server will contain the exchangecookie cookie. For all subsequent EWS client requests for that mailbox, the exchangecookie cookie must persist, in order to maintain Client Access server affinity. The client should preserve the cookie after each response, because in some cases the cookie might change mid-session. The exchangecookie cookie should persist for use in all future requests.

Clients that use the EWS Managed API 1.1 and the EWS Java API 1.1 do not have to manage the exchangecookie cookie as this is done automatically. If you create a custom client, make sure that the exchangecookie cookie persists for each mailbox you are accessing.

Client Access server affinity and MAPI

MAPI Client Access server affinity is maintained through the network load balancer by the OutlookSession session. You can maintain Client Access server affinity for a client by using a single OutlookSession session for the client. The client cannot rely on state information maintained on the Client Access server if subsequent sessions are opened since different sessions are not necessarily handled by the same Client Access server that handled a previous session.

Working with meeting requests in Exchange ActiveSync


This post is part of an ongoing series that covers Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync for developers. 

In this post, we are using Exchange ActiveSync protocol version 14.1. Where applicable, we note differences between protocol versions.

Meeting requests are important for information workers who use Microsoft Exchange. Meeting requests inform attendees of a meeting, automatically book meeting time on the organizer's and attendees' calendars, provide reminders for meetings, and enable the booking of conference rooms. This post provides information for developers about working with meeting requests, including the following topics:

  • How meeting requests are created by using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • How invitees' Exchange ActiveSync clients interpret meeting requests.


Note:   Other topics related to calendaring with Exchange ActiveSync, such as recurring meetings; delegation; and meeting responses, updates, and cancellations, will be covered in future blog posts.

The following figure shows an overview of the meeting request process and the two key scenarios involved. In this example, Exchange ActiveSync user Alice requests a meeting with Bob from her Exchange ActiveSync client. Bob sees the meeting request on his Exchange ActiveSync device.


Figure 1:   Meeting request process

Scenario 1: Organizer creates meeting request by using an Exchange ActiveSync client

A meeting starts out as a meeting request. The meeting organizer requests that attendees agree to participate in the meeting at a specified date, time, and location. Meeting requests are composed of the following two elements:

1.      A calendar item that reflects the proposed meeting on the organizer's and invitees' calendars.

2.      An invitation email sent by the organizer to invitees to notify them of the proposed meeting and solicit their responses.

In order for a user to create meeting requests, an Exchange ActiveSync client must do the following:

  • Add a new calendar event to the organizer's calendar that includes the meeting details.
  • Send an email to prospective attendees that includes the meeting details and response options.


After the Exchange ActiveSync client sends an email message that includes the meeting invitation, the Exchange server sends the invitation and saves a copy in the Sent Items folder. The following figure shows the client requests and server responses when a user, Alice, creates a meeting request from her Exchange ActiveSync client. The syncing of the Sent Items folder is optional.


Figure 2:   Meeting request process

Adding meeting details to the organizer's calendar

Important:   The client must sync the Calendar folder before the user can create meeting requests. This adds the calendar item to the organizer's calendar. The organizer's mailbox requires the calendar item to reconcile responses to the meeting request.

Request to create the calendar item

When a user organizes a new meeting on the Exchange ActiveSync client, the client must create a meeting item on the organizer's calendar. The client adds the new calendar item to the Calendar collection. The calendar item contains all the meeting details, including meeting attendees. The following example shows an Exchange ActiveSync Sync command XML request that adds a meeting to Alice's calendar when she organizes a meeting and invites Bob.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
















            <calendar:Subject>Quarterly Planning</A4:Subject>














              <airsyncbase:Data>Let's meet to plan the budget for the next quarter.















For a list of and information about the Calendar schema elements for Exchange ActiveSync, see [MS-ASCAL]:  ActiveSync Calendar Class Protocol Specification section 2.2.2.

In the meeting request, the Exchange ActiveSync client must specify the start time and end time of the proposed event; this information is included in the StartTime and EndTime elements. Both dates have to be valid values of the dateTime type, as described in [MS-ASDTYPE]: ActiveSync Data Types section 2.3. All dates must be specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), without any punctuation separators. Optionally, the client can use the DtStamp element to specify when the calendar item was created.

The client should specify the time zone in the request. If the time zone is not specified, the Exchange server uses its current  time zone for the meeting. For more information about the format of the time zone, see [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.6.4.

Optionally, the client can mark the organizer's calendar by specifying the BusyStatus element. The following are the possible values for the BusyStatus element:

·        0 – Free

·        1 – Tentative

·        2 – Busy

·        3 – Out of office

If the organizer did not explicitly specify his or her attendance status, the client should use a value of 2 for the BusyStatus element to mark the meeting status as busy. If the client does not provide this value, the server uses a busy status by default.

Important:   As a best practice, the client should always provide a value for the optional UID element. The UID element value is a random hexadecimal ID that the client generates when it creates the calendar item. The maximum length of the UID element value is 300 characters. We strongly recommend that the Exchange ActiveSync client include the UID element because it helps to map the calendar item to the email notifications sent for the meeting. This enables the organizer to track meeting updates and responses to the meeting request.

The client should provide a MeetingStatus element for meetings. When the client saves a meeting to the organizer's calendar, it should set the value of this element to 1, which indicates that the item is a meeting.

A meeting must include the Attendees element, which contains a collection of Attendee elements. Each Attendee element must include at least one Email and one Name element; these contain the name and email address of the attendee. Optionally, the Attendee element can include values for the AttendeeStatus and AttendeeType elements. When the meeting is created, the AttendeeStatus element contains a value of 0. This value changes when attendees respond to the meeting request. If present, the AttendeeType element must be set to one of the following values:

·        1 – Required

·        2 – Optional

·        3 – Resource

Server response to the request to create the calendar item

The Exchange server sends a response to the Exchange ActiveSync client's request. The response indicates the status of the Calendar Sync command operation as well as the status of the individual meeting request. If the item was added correctly (as indicated by a Status element value of 1 in the response for both the item and the collection), the server issues a ServerId element value for the item in lieu of the temporary ClientId element value that the client assigned to it, as shown in the following example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


















The client has to associate the newly issued ServerId value with this calendar item. For more information about status response values, see [MS-ASCMD]: ActiveSync Command Reference Protocol Specification.

Note:   Exchange ActiveSync clients should not allow the organizer to respond to meetings that he or she organized

Informing attendees of the meeting details by email notification

The email notification must make it clear to the recipients that its purpose is to inform them of the meeting request. It can also optionally solicit invitee responses to the request, and automatically block the meeting time on prospective attendees' calendars.

Client request to send the meeting email message

Exchange ActiveSync clients use the SendMail command to send MIME-formatted email messages to the server, including calendaring information structured according to a known calendaring format.

The iCalendar format is the most common calendaring format; this format is supported by a variety of clients. The following example shows the Exchange ActiveSync SendMail request that Alice's Exchange ActiveSync client sends.


POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/default.eas?Cmd=SendMail&User=Alice&DeviceId=ABCDEFGH&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Length: 2100

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

Host: mail.contoso.com

User-Agent: SmartPhone



RequestBody :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<SendMail xmlns="ComposeMail:">



  <Mime>MIME-Version: 1.0

     Subject: Quarterly Planning

     Thread-Topic: Quarterly Planning

     To: Bob <bob@contoso.com>

      Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

      boundary="---Next Part---"


-----Next Part---

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Let's discuss the budget for the next quarter.


-----Next Part---

Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64




-----Next Part---




The email message contains multiple parts. The message may contain a plain text part, which includes the body text of the meeting request. Several different calendar request formats are available for meeting request messages. Microsoft Exchange supports the iCalendar and TNEF formats. Each of these formats are included in a separate MIME part in the meeting request message. (For more information about MIME, see RFC 2045, RFC 2046, and RFC 2047.) Most clients use the iCalendar format for the meeting request, encoded in base64. Meeting requests have a content type of text/calendar with the method parameter set to “REQUEST”. The following section provides more detail about the iCalendar format.

iCalendar format

The iCalendar format is a file format (extension .ics, .ical) that represents calendaring information such as meeting requests, meeting responses, and free/busy information. For more information about this format, see RFC 2445, RFC 5546, and [MS-OXCICAL]: iCalendar to Appointment Object Conversion Protocol Specification.

This standard enables users of different calendaring systems (including clients and servers) to exchange calendaring information. iCalendar information is transported across the Internet in MIME format. The MIME body that contains the iCalendar information has a content type of text/calendar. The following example shows a typical iCalendar meeting request.



PRODID: SmartPhone



TZID:Pacific Standard Time
























SUMMARY: Quarterly Planning


DTSTART;TZID=Pacific Standard Time:20110510T100000

DTEND;TZID=Pacific Standard Time:20110510T110000

DTSTAMP: 20110504T152200Z

LAST-MODIFIED: 20110504T152200Z





Important:   The UID element value that is included in the iCalendar request email message must match the UID value that is saved with the meeting item on the organizer's calendar.

Server response to the client request to send the meeting email message

The response to SendMail command has no XML body (Content-Length = 0) if the SendMail command finishes successfully, as shown in the following example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

MS-Server-ActiveSync: 14.1


The server first responds to the SendMail request from the organizer's Exchange ActiveSync client, and then tries to send the message to the attendees. For this reason, a positive response to the SendMail request does not guarantee that the message was sent out successfully. The Exchange ActiveSync client can still receive a non-delivery report notification if the mail recipients are not found. For more information about the SendMail status values, see [MS-ASCMD] section Non-delivery report responses should be handled in the same way that email responses are handled.

Before the Exchange server sends the email message, it interprets the iCalendar information and structures the message to the attendees to reflect that it is a meeting request.

Saving the meeting notification in Sent Items

Note:   Exchange ActiveSync clients should not save meeting request messages directly to the local Sent Items folder; instead, clients should use the SaveInSentItems element in the SendMail request to automatically save the messages on the server. It is not possible to reconcile the local Sent Items folder with the server's Sent Items folder by using the Sync command. Items in the server's Sent Items folder can be added to the client by using the Sync command, but items that are in the Exchange ActiveSync client's local Sent Items folder cannot be added to the server.

After the Exchange ActiveSync client submits the meeting request email to the server, the Exchange server sends the email message to all the invited attendees. In addition, the Exchange server parses the iCalendar information that is embedded in the email. This way, it adds the email message to the Sent Items folder as the appropriate type; that is, a meeting request. The next time the Exchange ActiveSync client syncs the Sent Items folder, the meeting request email message will be added to the Sent Items folder on the client.

Client request to sync the Sent Items folder

The client syncs the Sent Items folder as shown in the following example.

POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=alice&DeviceId=ABCDEFGH&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.1

User-Agent: ASOM

Host: mail.contoso.com


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">












Server response to the request to sync the Sent Items folder

The server adds a new item with the MessageClass element set to IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request, as shown in the following example. This item contains all the meeting details.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">










            <email:To>"Bob" &lt;bob@contoso.com&gt;</email:To>

            <email:From>"Alice" &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</ email:From>

            <email:Subject>Quarterly Planning</email:Subject>


            <email:DisplayTo>”Bob”</ email:DisplayTo>

            <email:ThreadTopic>Quarterly Planning</email:ThreadTopic>















               <email:Organizer>"Alice" &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</ email:Organizer>












            <email:Flag />





            <email2:Sender>"Alice" &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</ email:Sender>

            <email:Categories />








The meeting request email that is sent to the attendees is of type IPM.Schedule.MeetingRequest and contains a MeetingRequest container. (For more information about the MeetingRequest container, see [MS-ASEMAIL]: ActiveSync E-Mail Class Protocol Specification section This container describes the properties of the meeting. In addition, it now contains the GlobalObjId element value that was assigned to the meeting item by the server.

The GlobalObjId element value identifies the meeting request and allows the client to determine whether it corresponds to an existing object in the Calendar. For more information about the GlobalObjId element, see [MS-ASEMAIL] section The UID element value assigned to the calendar item by the Exchange ActiveSync client is included in the GlobalObjId element value that the server returns. The GlobalObjId element value does not change when the meeting is updated. This enables the client to identify which meeting a particular notification corresponds to.

This meeting request message that is added to the organizer's Sent Items folder should not expose any response options to the user because it is in the organizer's mailbox.

Scenario 2: A meeting invitee receives a meeting request on the Exchange ActiveSync client

When an organizer sends a meeting request, the invitees' Exchange ActiveSync client must be able to receive the request, interpret it, and present it to the invitee as a meeting invitation. The meeting request should appear in the invitee's Inbox, and a placeholder Calendar item for the meeting should appear on the invitee's Calendar. The invitee should be able to accept, tentatively accept, or decline the meeting request, either from the meeting invitation or from the Calendar placeholder item, and send his or her response the meeting organizer.

The following figure shows the operations involved in sending a meeting request to an Exchange ActiveSync client. In this example, Bob is the meeting invitee.


Figure 2:   Sending a meeting request to an Exchange ActiveSync client

Adding the meeting request to the invitee's Inbox

When the meeting invitation first arrives in the invitee's mailbox, it is in the form of a meeting request in the Inbox.

Receiving the meeting request

The Exchange ActiveSync client receives the meeting request upon issuing a Sync command request for the invitee's Inbox. We recommend that Exchange ActiveSync clients request body items in HTML format by setting the BodyPreference element to 2. HTML provides rich content formatting that the client can then render. The meeting request is shown in the following example.

POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=bob&DeviceId=HGFEDCBA&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.1

User-Agent: ASOM

Host: mail.contoso.com


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">

















Server response to the Sync command request

The organizer's Exchange server converts the item's iCalendar information and parses it into a message class of IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request, which is then synced to the invitee's Inbox, as shown in the following example.

Note:   The Exchange ActiveSync client should not attempt any iCalendar content conversion. The Exchange server converts the iCalendar format into the appropriate message class. If the message cannot be converted, it will be delivered as an attachment.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>











            <email:To>"Bob" &lt;bob@contoso.com&gt;</ email:To>

            <email:From>"Alice" &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</email:From>

            <email:Subject>Quarterly Planning</email:Subject>


            <email:DisplayTo>Bob </A2:DisplayTo>

            <email:ThreadTopic>Quarterly Planning</A2:ThreadTopic>









                &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"&gt;

                &lt;meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Exchange Server"&gt;

                &lt;!-- converted from rtf --&gt;

                &lt;style&gt;&lt;!-- .EmailQuote { margin-left: 1pt; padding-left: 4pt; border-left: #800000 2px  

                solid; } --             




                &lt;font face="Times New Roman" size="3"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:12pt;"&gt;&lt;a  


                &lt;div&gt;&lt;font face="Courier New"&gt;[When]: Tuesday,May 10, 2011 9:00 PM-10:00 PM.

                [(UTC-08:00) Pacific 

                Time (US &amp;amp; Canada)]&lt;br&gt;


                [Where]: Office&lt;br&gt;







                &lt;div&gt;&lt;font face="Tahoma" size="2"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:10pt;"&gt;Let's meet to

                plan the budget for the next quarter.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/div&gt;










              <email:DtStamp>20110504T152200Z </email:DtStamp>




              <email:Organizer>"Alice " &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</ email:Organizer>














            <email:Flag />





            <email:Categories />







The MeetingRequest element is an optional container element. The MeetingRequest element is included when the message is a meeting request and the Exchange ActiveSync client's user is an attendee. The MeetingRequest element is not included in the message content of calendar items in the Calendar folder or in regular email messages. If a message contains the MeetingRequest element, the client can respond to the meeting request by using the MeetingResponse command. For more information about this command, see [MS-ASCMD] section

The GlobalObjId element is a required child element of the MeetingRequest element. GlobalObjId is defined as an element in the Email namespace. Clients that need to determine whether the GlobalObjId  element for a meeting request corresponds to an existing Calendar object in the Calendar folder have to convert the GlobalObjId element value to a UID element value to make the comparison. For information about how this conversion is done, see [MS-ASEMAIL] section

MeetingMessageType is a new element that was added in version 14.1 of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol. The MeetingMessageType element further defines the type of the meeting request. For information about this element, see [MS-ASEMAIL] section

Client request to sync the Calendar folder

The invitee's (Bob's) Exchange ActiveSync client issues a Sync request for the Calendar folder, similar to the one shown in the following example.

POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=bob&DeviceId=HGFEDCBA&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.1

User-Agent: ASOM

Host: mail.contoso.com


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">









Tentative meeting added to invitee's calendar

In Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (which corresponds to Exchange ActiveSync protocol version 12.0) and later versions, the server parses the meeting request received in the invitee's Inbox and adds a tentative meeting to the invitee's calendar to mark the time of the proposed meeting. This tentative meeting is synced to the client.

Server response to the request to Sync the Calendar folder

Based on the meeting request that the Exchange server received, the server created a meeting item in Bob's Calendar folder with the UID element value previously specified by the organizer. Syncing the Calendar collection adds the meeting to the invitee's calendar.

Note:   By default, Microsoft Exchange processes meeting requests and automatically add tentative meetings to the invitee's calendar. The Exchange ActiveSync client should not try to create the meeting item, as that will lead to conflicts between the calendar on the device and the calendar on the server. The administrator can disable tentative meeting creation by running the following Windows PowerShell command:

Set-CalendarProcessing -AddNewRequestsTentatively $false -Identity '<domain>/<user>'

In addition, by default, Microsoft Exchange only processes internal meeting requests . The Exchange administrator can allow external meetings to be processed by running the following Windows PowerShell command:

Set-CalendarProcessing -ProcessExternalMeetingMessages $true -Identity '<domain>/<user>'

If the administrator or the user has not changed the default behavior, any meetings received from senders outside the organization will not be processed and will not automatically be added as tentative meetings to the invitee's calendar.

The calendar item contains a UID element value that the organizer's client had set, which correlates to the meeting request in the Inbox via the GlobalObjId element.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
















            <calendar:DtStamp>20110504T152200Z </calendar:DtStamp>


            <calendar:Subject>Quarterly Planning</calendar:Subject>            



            <calendar:OrganizerName>Alice </calendar:OrganizerName>





                <calendar:Name>Bob </calendar:Name>












                &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"&gt;

                &lt;meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Exchange Server"&gt;

                &lt;!-- converted from rtf --&gt;

                &lt;style&gt;&lt;!-- .EmailQuote { margin-left: 1pt; padding-left: 4pt; border-left: #800000 2px  

                solid; } --             




                &lt;font face="Times New Roman" size="3"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:12pt;"&gt;&lt;a  


                &lt;div&gt; &amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;

                &lt;font face="Tahoma" size="2"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:10pt;"&gt;Let's meet to

                plan the budget for the next quarter.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/div&gt;





















The meeting that is added to the invitee's Calendar collection contains all the properties of the calendar item on the organizer's Calendar, as well as the following additional elements:

·        OrganizerName

·        OrganizerEmail

·        ResponseRequested

·        MeetingStatus

·        ResponseType

The value of the ResponseRequested element comes from the PARTSTAT parameter value of "NEEDS-ACTION" in the original iCalendar meeting request.

When the invitee receives the meeting request, the MeetingStatus element is set to 3, which indicates that the meeting was received, and the ResponseType element is set to 5, to indicate that the invitee has not yet responded to the meeting request. After the invitee responds, the server updates these values to reflect the new status. Stay tuned for our next blog post, "Working with meeting responses in Exchange ActiveSync", for more information about meeting responses.


Creating meeting requests and interpreting them from an Exchange ActiveSync client is critical to ensuring a successful calendaring experience for Exchange ActiveSync client users. It is important to use the correct iCalendar format to create meeting requests and to remember not to try to process incoming iCalendar requests on the client, but instead to allow the Exchange server to process the requests.  

Related Resources

[MS-ASEMAIL]: ActiveSync E-Mail Class Protocol Specification

[MS-ASCAL]: ActiveSync Calendar Class Protocol Specification

[MS-ASCMD]: ActiveSync Email Command Reference Protocol Specification

[MS-ASDTYPE]: ActiveSync Data Types

[MS-OXGLOS]: Exchange Server Protocols Master Glossary

[MS-OXCICAL]: iCalendar to Appointment Object Conversion Protocol Specification

RFC 2045, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"

RFC 2046, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types"

RFC 2047, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text"

RFC 2445, "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification"

RFC 5546, "iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP)"


Post written by: Katarzyna Puchala, Microsoft Corporation

Working with meeting responses in Exchange ActiveSync


This post is part of an ongoing series that covers Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync for developers. This post applies to Exchange ActiveSync protocol version 14.1. Where applicable, differences between protocol versions are noted.

The ability to respond to meeting requests is an important aspect of collaboration and communication for Microsoft Exchange users. Responses to meeting requests inform meeting organizers of invitees' attendance status and automatically book the time on attendees' Calendars. This post provides information for developers about working with meeting responses, including the following topics:

  • How the Exchange ActiveSync client responds to meeting requests.
  • How the Exchange ActiveSync client should interpret responses to meetings organized by the client user.


For information about working with meeting requests, see the blog post Working with Meeting Requests in Exchange ActiveSync.

Note:   Other topics related to calendaring and Exchange ActiveSync, such as recurring meetings, delegation, and meeting updates and cancellations, will be covered in future blog posts.

The following figure shows an overview of the meeting response process and the two key scenarios involved. In this example, Exchange ActiveSync user Bob has received a meeting invitation from the organizer, Alice, on his Exchange ActiveSync client. Bob responds to the meeting request using his Exchange ActiveSync device and Alice can verify his response status using her device.


Figure 1:   Meeting response process

This post does not cover adding the meeting request email message to the invitee's Inbox and a creating tentative placeholder item on the invitee's Calendar. For information about the meeting request process, see Working with Meeting Requests in Exchange ActiveSync.

Scenario 1: Invitee uses an Exchange ActiveSync client to respond to a meeting request

In our example, an invitee, Bob, finds a meeting request from Alice waiting in his Inbox, and a placeholder Calendar item tentatively marking the time of the meeting on his Calendar. Bob can choose to accept, tentatively accept, or decline the meeting and send his response to the organizer from either the meeting invitation in his Inbox or the Calendar placeholder item. Bob accepts the meeting request by using the options provided by the meeting request email displayed on his Exchange ActiveSync client. The Exchange server then deletes the meeting request from his Inbox and changes the status of the placeholder Calendar item from tentative to busy. In addition, the Exchange ActiveSync client sends a meeting acceptance notification to the organizer. A copy of this message appears in Bob's Sent Items folder.

The following figure shows the Exchange ActiveSync client meeting response process.



Figure 2:   Exchange ActiveSync client meeting response process

Responding to meeting requests involves the following steps:

  1. The user, in this case Bob, accepts the meeting from his Exchange ActiveSync client by using the options exposed in the meeting request. Upon doing so, the following takes place:
    1. The server deletes the meeting request email message from his Inbox.
    2. The server deletes the tentative meeting from his Calendar and adds an accepted meeting in its place.

Note:   If Bob's Exchange server is not configured to process incoming meeting requests automatically, a tentative meeting placeholder item does not appear on his Calendar. In this case, the server does not delete any Calendar item, and the MeetingResponse command cannot be sent from the Calendar folder; it can be used on the meeting request in the Inbox only.

  1. When Bob issues a Sync command on Calendar folder, the tentative meeting is deleted from the Calendar by the Exchange  server, and a new accepted meeting is added.

Note:   If Bob syncs his Deleted Items folder, a copy of the original meeting item is added to that folder. (This step is not shown in Figure 2 and is not described in this blog post.)

  1. Bob's client sends an email message to the organizer that indicates his acceptance.
  2. The server adds a copy of the meeting acceptance email message in Bob's Sent Items folder. If Bob syncs his Sent Items folder, a copy of the notification will appear there.


 When the ResponseRequested element is set to 1, the Exchange ActiveSync client allows the user to act on the meeting request from both the Inbox and the Calendar item.

Responding to meeting requests from the Inbox

When the client displays a meeting request message in a user's Inbox, the user has the option to accept, tentatively accept, or decline the meeting invitation. After the user selects a response, the client sends a MeetingResponse command to the server.

MeetingResponse command

The following example shows a MeetingResponse command request.

POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=MeetingResponse&User=Bob&DeviceId=ABCDEF&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.1

User-Agent: ASOM

Host: mail.contoso.com


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<MeetingResponse xmlns="MeetingResponse:">









The RequestId element specifies the server ID of the meeting request in the Inbox collection. The UserResponse element can contain one of the values listed in the following table.

UserResponse element value

Invitee response

Server action



The server deletes the corresponding Calendar entry and creates a new Calendar entry with the "Accepted" status.



The server deletes the corresponding Calendar entry and creates a new Calendar entry with the "TentativelyAccepted" status.



The server deletes the corresponding Calendar entry.


Server response to the MeetingResponse command

After the MeetingResponse command has finished, the server automatically deletes the meeting request item from the Inbox. The following example shows the server response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

MS-Server-ActiveSync: 14.0


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<MeetingResponse xmlns="MeetingResponse:">








The RequestId element specifies the meeting request that the client is responding to. If the meeting invitation is accepted or tentatively accepted, the server adds or updates the corresponding Calendar item and returns the item's server ID in the CalendarId element of the response.

The following table lists the possible values for the Status element.

Status element value

Server response

Client action



The request succeeded.



This response indicates that the request is invalid. The client should not retry the request, as it is unlikely to succeed.


The server sends this response if the item sent to the server is not a valid meeting.



This error is returned when client sync state is missing or corrupt on the server. The client can retry once right away, but should retry slowly after that, about once an hour. If the request still fails after an extended period, the client should stop retrying.



This error indicates that the meeting request can't be processed. The meeting request may be missing, the meeting may have been canceled, or this may be a delegate meeting to which the user can't respond. If the client retries the request, it is unlikely to succeed.


Note:   The Exchange ActiveSync client should handle the response to the MeetingResponse command in the same way that it handles the status responses to email commands.

When an invitee responds from the Inbox item, the Exchange server deletes the meeting invitation from the Inbox. The invitee can, however, change their response to the meeting request from the Calendar item with new MeetingResponse command. If the user declines the meeting, the server deletes the Calendar item, and it can no longer be used to respond to the meeting request.

The Exchange server automatically deletes the email invitation from the Inbox after the user has responded to the request. When the Exchange ActiveSync client syncs the Deleted Items folder, the deleted item is automatically added to the Deleted Items folder on the client.

Responding to meeting requests from the Calendar folder

Users respond to a meeting request from the Calendar folder in the same way that they respond to the request from the Inbox. The client uses the MeetingResponse command, but in this case, the RequestId element value indicates the Calendar item. This option is only available in Exchange ActiveSync version 14.0 and later versions. Just like when the user responds from the Inbox, the meeting request item in the Inbox is automatically deleted by the server when the user responds from the Calendar item.

Replacing the placeholder Calendar item with a new item

When the user responds to the meeting request, the original tentative Calendar item is deleted. If the user declines the meeting request, the server does not add a new item to the Calendar. If the user accepts or tentatively accepts the meeting request, the server creates a new Calendar item with the status as indicated by the user. The following example shows the sync process for the Calendar collection, after the user has accepted the meeting request. The original meeting item is deleted, and new item with a status of Accepted is added in its place. The UID element value of the new accepted item is identical to the value of the tentative placeholder item.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Sync >

















            <calendar:Subject>Quarterly Planning</calendar:Subject>



            <calendar:OrganizerName>Alice </calendar:OrganizerName>





                <calendar:Name>Bob </calendar:Name>






























The client has to sync the Calendar folder after the user accepts or tentatively accepts a meeting request in order for the new Calendar item to appear on the user's Calendar.

Deleting the Calendar item when the meeting is declined

If the user declines the meeting, the Exchange server automatically deletes the corresponding Calendar item. The client must not delete the Calendar item on behalf of the user.

When a user declines a meeting request, the response does not contain a meetingresponse:CalendarId element because the server deletes the corresponding Calendar item.

Sending response notifications

The client sends a notification to the meeting organizer if the user chooses to send a response. The client uses the SendMail command to send the notification. The client should send the email notification only after the MeetingResponse command finishes successfully; otherwise, the invitee's Calendar and the status information that the invitee reports to the organizer will be in conflict. If the ResponseRequested element is set to 0 (false) on the meeting request, the client does not expose an option to the user to send a response notification to the organizer.

The client indicates its response in the subject of the email message, as well by using an iCalendar reply command, as shown in the following example.

POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=SendMail&User=Bob&DeviceId=ABCDEF&DeviceType=SmartPhone HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml

MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.0

Host: mail.contoso.com


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<SendMail xmlns="ComposeMail:">




    Subject: Accepted: Quarterly Planning

    From: Bob@contoso.com

    Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


    To: Alice  <Alice@contoso.com>



Content-Type: text/plain;


Sure, I will be there!



Content-Type: text/calendar;




Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


BEGIN:VCALENDAR…<more iCalendar content follows>





The following table lists the possible response types.

Response type

Email /subject

iCalendar reply method


Accepted: <meeting request subject>



Tenative: <meeting request subject>



Declined: <meeting request subject>



Meeting updates

If the organizer makes updates to the meeting, the Exchange ActiveSync client might receive multiple meeting notification email messages. All mail items that are related to the same meeting have the same GlobalObjId element value (for the email notification) and the same UID element value (for the Calendar item). If the Exchange ActiveSync client receives multiple updates that share the same ID, it is important for the client to enable the user to respond to the most recent item only based on the DtStamp value.

Scenario 2: Organizer uses an Exchange ActiveSync client to verify the meeting response status

After the invitees have responded to the meeting request, the organizer might want to determine the status of the responses. The organizer can view the responses in the Inbox as they arrive from individual invitees. In addition, the Exchange server automatically parses the invitee responses and updates the Calendar item accordingly. The organizer can view the response status on the Calendar item based on updates from the server to the Exchange ActiveSync client.

Syncing meeting responses in the organizer's Inbox

As invitees respond to the meeting request, the organizer's Exchange ActiveSync client runs a Sync command on the Inbox folder to discover the responses, as shown in the following example.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>











            <email:To>"Alice" &lt;alice@contoso.com&gt;</email:To>

            <email:From>"Bob" &lt;bob@contoso.com&gt;</email:From>

            <email:Subject>Accepted: Quarterly Planning</email:Subject>


            <email:DisplayTo>Alice </email:DisplayTo>

            <email:ThreadTopic>Quarterly Planning</email:ThreadTopic>












              <email:DtStamp>20110506T165252Z </email:DtStamp>




              <email:Organizer>"Bob " &lt;bob@contoso.com&gt;</email:Organizer>











            <email:Flag />



            <email2:ConversationId>(Uí©E¯*O»&#x12;F               n                 &#x2;Ô</email2:ConversationId>


            <email:Categories />








Note that the ApplicationData container of the response that is synced to the organizer's Inbox contains To and From fields however, the values of these elements are different than the values in the original meeting request. In the response message, the To field indicates the organizer, because the organizer is the recipient of the response, while the From field indicates the invitee.

The MessageClass and Subject elements indicate the invitee's response to the request, as set by the client. The following are the possible values for the MessageClass element:

·        IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos

·        IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent

·        IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg.

Important:   The organizer's Exchange ActiveSync client must sync the Calendar folder in order to receive the meeting responses from meeting invitees. The organizer's mailbox uses the Calendar item to reconcile responses to a meeting request with the Calendar event.

Updating the organizer's Calendar item to reflect invitee responses

When the Exchange ActiveSync client syncs the organizer's Calendar folder, the original meeting item is updated to reflect any new or updated invitee responses. The client can then display the invitee status to the organizer. The following example shows a change in an attendee, Bob's, status after he accepts the meeting invitation. Note that the Calendar item shows a value of 3 for the AttendeeStatus element, rather than 0, which was the value when the request was created and before a response was received.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>














                <calendar:Name>Bob </calendar:Name>












The following table lists the possible values for the AttendeeStatus element.

AttendeeStatus element value



No response










When the organizer creates the meeting request, the AttendeeStatus element is set to 0 because no invitees have yet responded. As the response notifications arrive, the organizer’s Exchange server interprets the iCalendar content in the response messages and updates the AttendeeStatus value for each attendee accordingly. An AttendeeStatus value of 5 indicates a problem with interpreting the invitee response.  

Exchange ActiveSync does not handle responses involving new time proposals. New time proposals appear as tentative or decline responses to the Exchange ActiveSync client. The new time proposal may be indicated in the subject line or the body of the message, depending on the client that the invitee uses to send the proposal.

Note:   After an invitee responds to a request, the Exchange server deletes the meeting request from the invitee's mailbox. This helps to ensure that the invitee does not send multiple responses to the same meeting request that might conflict with one another. If the invitee does send multiple responses to the meeting request (for example, by responding from the Calendar item rather than the meeting invitation), the Exchange server automatically updates the organizer's Calendar item to reflect the most recent meeting response status.


The ability to respond to meeting requests is a critical element of a successful calendaring experience for Exchange ActiveSync client users. When you develop your Exchange ActiveSync client applications, make sure that you handle iCalendar meeting responses correctly. Keep in mind that your applications should not process incoming iCalendar meeting requests on the client; meeting requests should be processed by the Exchange server.  

Additional Resources

[MS-ASEMAIL]: ActiveSync Email Class Protocol Specification

[MS-ASCAL]: ActiveSync Calendar Class Protocol Specification

[MS-ASCMD]: ActiveSync Email Command Reference Protocol Specification

[MS-ASDTYPE]: ActiveSync Data Types

[MS-OXGLOS]: Exchange Server Protocols Master Glossary [MS-OXCICAL]: iCalendar to Appointment Object Conversion Protocol Specification
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